Class 10 (X) English Model Activity Task Question Answer - Part 6

Class 10 (X) Model Activity Task Question Answer - Part 6


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Class 10 English Model Activity Task Question Answer - Part 6

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Class 10 (X) English Model Activity Task Question Answer

Class 10 (X) English Model Activity Task Question Answer

A. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Activity 1

Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

a) The narrator was having iii) tea. [i) rice ii) bread iii) tea iv) fruits]

b) The narrator received a telephone call in the iv) evening. [i) morning ii) afternoon iii) night iv) evening]

c) Gandhiji was shot on his way to a ii) prayer meeting. [i) fair gathering ii) prayer meeting iii) political meeting iv) marketplace]

d) The narrator went to Birla House by i) car. [i) car ii) bus iii) train iv) rickshaw]

e) Time appeared to have stopped for a few iii) minutes. [i) hours ii) days iii) minutes iv) months]

Activity 2

Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

i) At the Birla House, Gandhiji’s relatives and followers had gathered round his body.

ii) Words of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi just like a flame fanned by wind.

iii) The people were too stunned to speak in the beginning.

Activity 3

 Answer the following questions:

i) What could one see out of every window?

Answer: Out of every window, one could see a brown blur of faces.

ii) When did the people become a little calm?

Answer: People calmed a little when it was announced that they would be allowed to see Gandhiji before the funeral.

B. Read the text given below and answer the questions that follow:

Activity 4

Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

i) The quarrel was between the mountain and the d) squirrel.

a) nut

b) track

c) weather

d) squirrel

ii) The “later” is the a) squirrel.

a) squirrel

b) mountain

c) quarrel

d) year

iii) The squirrel is very a) spry.

a) spry

b) big

c) lazy

d) tall

iv) The mountain can carry on its back a b) forest.

a) sphere

b) forest

c) weather

d) year

Activity 5

Complete the following table:

Sl. No.




The former called the later ‘Little Prig.’


The squirrel was small in size and acted like a prig.


Neither can the mountain crack a nut nor can the squirrel carry a forest.

Talents differ. Nobody can do all kinds of works himself without taking others help.

Activity 6

Split the following into two sentences:

a) Having heard the news, she fainted.

Answer: She heard the news. She fainted.

b) It was raining heavily, when she reached home.

Answer: She reached home. It was raining heavily.

c) Ashoka, who was a great king, helped in the spread of Buddhism.

Answer: Ashoka was a great king. He helped in the spread of Buddhism.

d) Shabnam thought that she would win the first prize.

Answer: Shabnam would won the first prize. She thought it.

Activity 7

Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs from the given list. Change the form of

verbs if necessary. Write the answers in the given space. One extra phrasal verb is given in the list:

i) My older brother is in search of a job.

Answer: My older brother is searching for a job.

ii) I cannot tolerate his audacity.

Answer: I cannot put up with his audacity.

iii) The Headmistress distributed books among the students.

Answer: The Headmistress gave away books among the students

[List of Phrasal verbs : give away, turn down, look for, put up with]

Activity 8

Write a dialogue within 100 words between two friends on your feelings about not going to school for a long time

Click here to view the answer (The Dialogue) of the above question

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