What Differences Do You Find Between The Mountain And The Squirrel | Fable | Madhyamik English

What Differences Do You Find Between The Mountain And The Squirrel

 In the poem, named Fable, written by American writer Ralph Waldo Emerson, we find two characters - a mountain & a squirrel.

What Differences Do You Find Between The Mountain And The Squirrel

As described by the poet, these two characters have some differences. Both the mountain & tr squirrel has some advantages & shortcomings. Below are the differences between the characters of the mountain & squirrel.

  • The main difference between the character of the mountain & the squirrel is that a mountain is a non-living object while the squirrel is a living being.
  • Size: The mountain is comparatively way more large than the squirrel and the squirrel is too small compared to the mountain. At the same time, the squirrel has some some advantages being very tiny, which the mountain lacks.
  • Being very huge, the mountain can carry large forest on its back but the squirrel can't.
  • Unlike the squirrel, the mountain can also create a pretty squirrel track, the squirrel also fails to do that.
  • On the other hand, the squirrel is able to crack a small nut, whereas the mountain, being very large can't crack something as small as a nut.
So these are the difference between the characters of the mountain & the squirrel as described by the poet, in the poem named 'Fable'.
We hope that we have been able the answer the question - 'What differences do you find between the mountain and the squirrel?'.
As far as Madhyamik Examination is concerned, the question What differences do you find between the mountain and the squirrel ? - is an important question for the students appearing in the upcoming Madhyamik Examination.

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